A wonderful way to extend a read-aloud is with book activities . We are going inside The Napping House and doing some fun beginning sound and ordinal number recognition activity ideas. So, let’s start stacking the bed with The Napping House activities.
The Napping House Book
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The bed piles higher and higher from granny to the flea in the cumulative tale, The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood.
The Napping House Activities
Skills: Students will be working on beginning sound identification, writing, and ordinal number recognition
Materials Needed: Printables (b&w) for each student, colored printable (1 set), writing utensils
Set Up: Print the b&w printables for each student. Print a color set for classroom use and laminate for durability if desired.
Activity 1: Stack the Bed
Retell the story in sequence while adding the characters to the bed and then removing them. Students can also trace the words on each picture card.
Activity 2: Match a Pair
Match the ordinal numbers with the correct placement of each item.
Activity 3: Who’s In the House
Hide one of the animals or people under the house sheet. Give clues and have the students guess who is “in” the house.
For example, clues for the cat could include:
The name of the animal ends with /t/ sound.
It rhymes with sat.
The Napping House Activity Printables
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