There are some rhymes, chants, songs that just get stuck in your head. Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar? is one of those. Let’s build some literacy skills with these Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar Activities. We’ll be working on letter identification and name recognition.
Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar Books
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Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? is a board book that is closest to the song version.
Who Took the Cookies From the Cookie Jar? by Bonnie Lass is a fun variation to use for rhyming.
Another super fun variation is Who Ate All the Cookie Dough? by Karen Beaumont. Kanga wants to make cookies, but where did all the cookie dough go? I know, it’s a real problem for all of us. 🙂
Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar Song
Here’s a catch song version to sing along with too.
Cookie Literacy Activities
Skills: Students will be working on name recognition and letter recognition with these activities.
Materials Needed: Printables (b&w recording sheet) for each student, colored printable (1 set), writing utensils, clipboards
Set Up: Print the b&w recording printable for each student. Print a color set for classroom use and laminate for durability if desired.
Activity 1- Singing the Song for Name Recognition
On each picture card, write a name of a student. You may choose to write the first letter of each name in a different color. You could also use name cards with picture cues instead.
Have all the students sit in a circle and close their eyes. Give the cookie icon to one child and have the child sit on it. Then, have everyone open their eyes.
Sing the song and hold up a name card for each verse. Have the students identify the name and then that child can sing either, “Who me?…Not me! Or Okay, okay…I took the cookie from the cookie jar (if they have the cookie)” Continue until you find the cookie taker.
Activity 2- Find the ABC Cookies
Each child gets a recording sheet and they will also need a clipboard and writing utensil.
Cut the letter cookie cards apart and hang throughout the room.
Children get to walk around the room finding each letter on their chart. They can color in the letter on their chart and/or write the letter on the line.
Cookie Jar Printables
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