We’re going to the zoo. Today’s activity is all about zoo animals. Students will be having so much learning fun as they board the bus in this printable beginning sound activity and circle time song.
Beginning Sound Activity
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This beginning sound activity can be done as a whole group, small group, or individual activity. After demonstrating how to do the activity, you could add it to a center/work station.
Materials: Zoo printables (free download below), scissors, laminator (optional)
Preparation: Print, cut, and laminate if desired the zoo animals, bus sheet, and song.
Play: Identify all the animal images. Have students listen and identify the beginning sound they hear.
Sing the song to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus” picking a beginning sound of one of the animals.
Have students locate the animal associated with representing the sound and add that animal to the bus.
Then, have students select the magnetic letter that represents the beginning sound and place it on the sign under the bus.
Continue until all animals have loaded the bus.
Printable Zoo Bus Letter Sound Activity
Grab the free printable activity as a thank you gift when you join the free Growing Book by Book newsletter list.
More Read Alouds and Beginning Sound Activities
Keep the theme going with these read alouds and activities.
The Wheels on the Bus Book Variations