Easter may have passed, but don’t pack those plastic eggs away yet. We can use them for all sorts of early literacy activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and beginning readers.
Get ready for some “egg”cellent fun.
14 Early Literacy Activities
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Alphabet Fun
Hatch beginning sounds with this crack and sort activity.
This ABC activity from Pre-K Pages pairs nicely with Humpty Dumpty.
Go on an ABC egg hunt with this idea from A Little Pinch of Perfect.
Create an alphabet egg sensory bin from And Next Comes L.
Go on a letter sounds egg hunt with this activity from This Reading Mama.
Sight Word Fun
For a fast-paced lively game, play Rotten Eggs.
- You will need 12-24 plastic eggs and one of them should be green. This will be your rotten egg.
- In the other eggs, place a small piece of paper that has a sight word written on it inside each egg.
- Place all eggs into a basket or bag.
- Play begins with one player selecting an egg from the basket or bag. The player gets to keep the egg as long as it’s not a rotten egg. If the rotten egg is pulled, then all of the player’s eggs are returned to the basket or bag. Play continues to the next person.
- Play stops when the first player gets six eggs.
- Then, each player takes turns reading the words inside the eggs. If the word is read correctly, the player gets to keep the egg. If the word is read incorrectly, the egg returns to the basket.
- The player with the most eggs wins.
Then, try a game of sight word match from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard.
Practice reading 2 syllable words with this idea from This Reading Mama. A free printable recording sheet is also included.
Turn It, Say It, Write It is a clever way to get in a little reading and writing practice from Inner Child Fun.
Word Work and Spelling
Play Crack and Write to practice spelling words from Childhood 101.
Practice building and writing cvc words with this idea from In My World.
Word family reading and writing practice are what you get in this Word Family Eggs activity from Playdough to Plato.
More Literacy Ideas
Practice positional words with this Where is the Chick activity from Pre-K Pages.
Try this silly story idea from Chicken Babies.
Enjoy spending a little more time playing with those eggs!