Our Playful Preschool Series theme this week is transportation. We have explored so many fun themes this month including puzzles, kindness and pancakes.
This alphabet activity is the perfect idea for kids who love to play with cars!
Maze Driving Alphabet Activity
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Why We Chose This Alphabet Activity
My kids adore car and truck play. Recently we shared some of our favorite literacy ideas to use with cars and trucks. After our playdough mazes we shared last week, we decided to expand the idea playing with cars.
Setting Up and Playing
Materials Needed: large sheet of paper, marker, magnetic letters or puzzle pieces, and toy cars
1. On a large sheet of paper draw a maze. Create several “dead ends” throughout the puzzle.
2. Mark the beginning of the maze with “start” and the finishing spot with “end”.
3. At each dead end place a letter that your child needs to practice.
4. Place a toy car at the start line.
Your child is ready to play! Let your child drive through the maze. When he comes to a “dead end”, he should name the letter. The child could also say the sound the letter represents or name a word that begins with the letter.
The activity can be repeated with different letters or sight words.
My 4 year-old decided to line up all the letters as spectators. He gave each letter an animal name based on the letter sound.
After we were done playing, we rolled up the sheet to store for another day.
19 Literacy Ideas for Car and Truck Play
15 Alphabet Games and Activities
Keep reading. Visit the links below for more great transportation ideas from the #playfulpreschool team!
Learning Letter Sounds on Alphabet Road by Mom Inspired Life

Theresa says
Our kids would love this. They love mazes and cars and are working on phonics!
Cerys says
Fantastic – my kids are maze mad at the moment and they would love this off to create our own maze tonight.
Danielle says
My son would have a blast with this activity! He would probably make the same crashing noises as your boys. 🙂
susen @Dabbling Momma says
love mazes and this is a nice big one! During summer I like to draw huge ones in the driveway!
Kim says
Looks like a lot of fun! It’s great for reasoning skills too to find the way through the maze.
Natasha says
I really like that when they hit a dead end it’s like question to continue.
Jodie Rodriguez says
Thanks Natasha. My kids like to hit the dead ends and make crashing noises!