So, yesterday my kids followed the mailman around the cul-de-sac until he arrived at our house with a package from Amazon. It was a balmy 60 degrees and they new a fresh box of sidewalk chalk was just waiting to escape from that box. This is not the first time my kids eagerly await the arrival of the mailman either.
Today, we have a fun beginning sounds mail sort activity and song that my kids loved as much as following the mail truck through our neighborhood.
This game builds phonological awareness by focusing on individual phonemes (sounds) at the beginning of words.
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Materials needed : beginning sound mail (see free download below), a mailbag and a copy of the catchy little song
To prepare for this activity, you will need to print and cut out the ten pieces of mail.
You will also want to find a fun mailbag to use for carrying the mail. Did you know that you can make one out of a paper bag? See a paper mailbag that we made for another activity.
And, here is the catchy song you will want to learn.
Mail Delivery
Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”
I deliver mail
Rain or shine.
If you put a stamp on, it will get there in time.
Can you help me sort my mail today?
Collect the ones that start with ____ (insert letter sound).
Spread out the envelopes on the floor. Give your child a mailbag.
Introduce the activity. Say, “We are going to sort the mail. Let’s sing a song. At the end of the song, you will listen for a sound. Then, you will find the piece of mail that has a picture that begins with that same sound. Let’s play!”
Sing the song each time to introduce a new sound. Have our child collect the right piece of mail each time.
Have fun building phonemic awareness with this Beginning Sounds Mail Sort and Song.
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P.S. For more great book recommendations and literacy ideas, sign up to receive our newsletter for FREE each week.
Beginning Sounds Mail Sort and Song by Growing Book by Book
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Teaching Kids About Envelope Format by The Educators’ Spin On It
Jo says
Hi Jodie,
When i click on yes please to go to the new book list it just takes me back to the same page. Am i missing something?
Thsnks, jo
Karin matthews says
Like it alot
Natasha Johnson-Ivy says
Oh yeah! We are singing and playing this game. Yes, thank you!
Shelley says
I LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing!
Jodie Rodriguez says
So glad it is helpful Shelley!
Danielle says
I LOVE your printable mail! That’s such a great idea. And the song is really cute!
Theresa says
I love your mail delivery song! We will have to sing it and try your activity.
Cerys says
This is brilliant – printing off to do after school today.
Jodie Rodriguez says
So glad it is helpful Shelley!
Amanda says
This song is catchy. Can’t wait to sing it with my boys. They LOVE delivering mail.