Fido, Sparky, Zeus…what is the name of your pet? Today we are talking cats, dogs, fish, and birds. Yep, it’s books about pets for kids. Let’s get started with these books about animals.

Pet Books for Children
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General Pet Books
I Want a Dog by Jon Agee is the story of a girl who really wants a dog, but the salesman tries to sell her everything from a baboon to a wombat. In the end, the girl does end up with a pet that is not a dog.
When you want a pet, but you can’t have a real-life pet, you make do with a pet truck in Puppy Truck by Brain Pinkney.
Have you ever wanted a dinosaur for a pet? That’s just what a child wants in The Wondrous Dinosaurium by John Condon. But, is a dinosaur the best idea when seeking a pet?
Archie can’t find the cat and the neighborhood pet show is about to begin in Pet Show by Ezra Jack Keats. Can Archie participate in the pet show?
If You Want a Friend in Washington by Erin McGill explores the wacky, wild, and wonderful pets of the White House. Most presidents have brought pets to the White House. Dogs seem to be the most popular pet. Do you remember any of these pets in the White House? Millie and Ranger (H.W. Bush) Socks (Clinton) Bo (Obama) Grits and Lewis Brown (Carter) Fuzzy and Lucky (Reagan) The endpapers of the book even include some real photographs of presidential pets.
Strictly No Elephants by Lisa Mantchev is about a young boy who can’t bring his pet elephant into a club so he decides to start his own club where all are welcome.
Some Pets by Angela DiTerlizzi highlights the huge variety of pets and the things they can do. But, the one thing they all have in a common is being a good companion friend.
Not That Pet! by Smriti Prasadam-Halls will have kids rolling with laughter. Picking a just right pet can be a challenge and the family in this story tries all sorts of creatures for pets. Will they ever find the perfect fit for the family?
And, rescue and shelter pets make some of the best friends. Check out our whole list of books about rescue and shelter animals.—>Rescue and Shelter Animal Books for Kids
Books About Pet Puppies and Dogs
Max Explains Everything Puppy Expert by Stacy McAnulty is a great pick if the kids have been asking for a puppy and the adults have been saying that puppies are a big responsibility. Learn just how much work they are in this picture book.
Our Very Own Dog by Amanda McCardie is filled with how fun dogs are but also the responsibility that comes along with it.
We all know that puppies can be a lot of work and get into lots of mischief. We find ourselves calling the puppy a lot and that’s what is highlighted in Please, Puppy, Please by Spike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee.
Louie is looking for the perfect family in A Family for Louie by Alexandra Thompson. And, he finds a wonderful food-loving family at a new bakery. It’s a perfect match.
We Want a Dog by Lo Cole not only gets you thinking about all the different types of dogs that could possibly make a good pet, but you also get to practice rhyming. So, do you want a dog that has hair or one that is bare? Plus, the last page of the book will inspire children to write their own book about a whole new kind of pet.
The Great Gracie Chase by Cynthia Rylant is a fun tale that takes you all over town. Gracie the dog likes a quiet house, but when the painters come to the house it is anything but quiet. Gracie gets out of the house and discovers that someone left the gate open so she heads out for a stroll. Well, as town members start to discover that Gracie is loose, they all start chasing her. Will Gracie ever find peace and quiet again?
How do you pick a name for puppy? Does your dog look like you? They say that people look like their pets. Do their names have rhyme too? Find out in Mr. Scruff by Simon James.
Can I Be Your Dog? by Troy Cummings is the story of a dog on a mission to find a home. He does so by delivering letters to potential new forever friends. He gets turned down again and again until the right recipient gets the message.
Do you ever wonder what your dog does when you aren’t at home. In Home Alone by Barbara Nascimbeni we get to follow one pooch along during his day internet surfing, entertaining guests and more.
For more books about dogs, check out our big list.—->Books About Dogs
Kitten and Cat Pet Books for Kids
Lola Gets a Cat by Anna McQuinn is a perfect pick for young children about to get a cat for a pet. Lola is getting one and there is lots to learn to get ready.
Can a library have a pet? Based on a true story of a cat who was left in the book return bin we meet Dewey: There’s a Cat in the Library by Vicki Myron. A librarian nurses him back to help and he becomes the resident library cat.
For more books about cats, check out our big list.—->Books About Cats
Getting a Fish for a Pet
Meet Richard the goldfish in My Pet Goldfish by Catherine Rayne. Learn all about goldfish from what they eat to how old they live in this beautifully illustrated book. Perfect to read if you are thinking of getting a goldfish as a pet. (coming fall of 2021)
The Pet-O-Rama is about to begin. Norman the goldfish is an amazing pet so he is sure to dazzle at the competition. But….a case of the fish nerves strike while on stage. Can his owner help him out? Find out in Norman: One Amazing Goldfish! by Kelly Bennett.
Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian is part of funny series. In this book, we get to experience life from inside the fishbowl. When a goldfish gets new residents to his bowl, life takes some unexpected spins. Also, check out Memoirs of a Hamster and Memoirs of a Parrot.
Class Pets
Do you have a class pet or are you thinking of getting a class pet? Here are a few read-alouds.
The Teacher’s Pet by Anica Mrose Rissi
A class plant is my kind of pet! This hilarious book will definitely have you adding a class “Jerry” to your room this year. Enjoy a great read-aloud in The World’s Best Class Plant by Liz Garton Scanlon.
Some classrooms choose to have a pet. Read Brightly shares some chapter book reads that would make fun class reads.—>See the List
Printable Book List of Books About Pets
Grab a printable copy of the book list above.
Enjoy reading about pets in these books. Do you have another favorite to add to the list?