The thing about love is that it encompasses everything. From love to self, love to others, and love to the world. These children’s character trait books about love will help your kids learn about the power and importance of love.
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” – Morrie Schwartz
Here is a sneak peek at what you’ll find in this post.
- Favorite books that focus on the theme of LOVE including a FREE printable book list.
- A list of discussion questions/conversation starters about the character strength- LOVE which you can also print.
- Resources for families to hold a Family Dinner Book Club on the LOVE theme including menu ideas, activities, and a family service project.
Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.
Love is a Story by Todd Tarpley celebrates and showcases all the ways to show love from sharing a roasted marshmallow around a campfire with loved ones to giving a hug to someone who is hurt.
Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall shows the very human side of love during difficult times. Two people meet in the library while imprisioned in a Minidoka incarceration camp where Japanes-Americans were taken during World War II. The book is based on the experiences of the author’s grandparents.
Love, Z by Jessie Sima is the story of a robot on a quest to find out what love is. His journey takes him to Beatrice who helps him connect all the dots and realize what love really is.
Love by Matt de la Pena is a beautifully illustrated book that showcases the vastness, beauty, and the connecting power of love.
Love by Stacy McAnulty features all the shapes and forms love can show itself. The simple text is paried with beautiful illustrations by Joanne lew-Vriethoff.
We all want our kids to love themselves. Old Hat by Emily Gravett is a sweet story 0f a dog in search of the perfect hat. But when he acquires the newest and best hat, his friends make fun and say it’s an old and out of style. He just can’t keep up with the newest trends. Disgusted, Harbet decides to ditch the hats and just be himself and soon everyone wants to be just like him.
Even when it is tough to love, we still do. Love transcends the good and not so good in Todd Parr’s The I Love You Book. A good pick for young readers with simple relatable text and vivid illustrations.
If you need another book to help younger kids think about the vastness of love, check out the classic Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBartney.
Love Is by Diane Adams is a precious little story of the love between a girl and her duckling. We walk through all the highlights of love and the tough times that require love to pull us through.
Love is Powerful by Heather Dean Brewer is a wonderful reminder that you are never too young to send and promote love because love is powerful.
It’s not the size or a shape of a family that makes it a family. It’s love that makes a family.Love is a Family by Roma Downey is a story of a young girl discovering that what truly makes a family is love and that can come in all shapes and sizes.
The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting is a sweet story of the love between and husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Bear usually sleep through Valentine’s Day, but this year they decide to surprise each other. It’s a beautiful story about thinking of others that you love.
You will want to grab the tissues for reading Hair for Mama by Kelly A. Tinkham. Marcus’ mom has cancer and loses her hair. Marcus is determined to come up with a way to replace her hair, but his plan doesn’t work. In the end, Marcus learns that his mom doesn’t need hair, she needs love. And, her love will always be with Marcus regardless of circumstances.
Ida, Always by Caron Levis is a heart-breaking and heart-warming story of two polar bear friends. Gus learns that Ida is sick. After she passes, Gus realizes that she may be gone, but not forgotten.
Love Grows Everywhere by Barry Timms and Tisha Lee showcases that love is universal and can grow anywhere and everywhere. There’s old love, new love, and love in between. Celebrate love all around us in this story.
If you would like a chapter book read-aloud or a book for independent readers, try Charlotte’s Web or The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (ages 9 and up.)
Get your downloadable printable list of all the books on this list below. Take it to the library or copy it for families.
Whether you pick one book to read on the list or many, you can use these conversation starters to talk about the character strength of LOVE. You can also print the list out below.
- What is love?
- Why does our family/community/world need love?
- How can you love yourself?
- What did you learn about love from the book(s) we enjoyed?
- How can you show love to others?
- How does love feel?
Print out the book list and discussion starters. Take it to the library or copy it for families.
This book list and theme make a great start for families to hold their own Family Dinner Book Club.
What is a Family Dinner Book Club?
Each month:
- On the first of each month, we provide all the details for your dinner.
- Sarah from Chef Sarah Elizabeth shares a themed menu to compliment the theme for the month.
- Laura from Sunny Day Family shares an activity and a family service project.
- And, I share a book list that compliments the themes plus conversation starters.
For our theme of LOVE, you have found the book list and discussion starters on this page.
And, visit Sunny Day Family for a family service project idea and more activities.—> ACTIVITIES
For even more ideas, like our Family Dinner Book Club Facebook Page.
Mia Wenjen says
I JUST WANTED TO let you know that Matt de la Pena has been accused of sexual harassment:
Jodie Rodriguez says
Thank you for bringing this to my attention Mia.