There are just some literacy quotes that resonate with you. I’m sure you have a few that you could recite. Today, I’m sharing my favorite quotes about reading and writing.
10 Favorite Literacy Quotes About Reading and Writing
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Have you read The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trealease? It’s a great resource for book lists and tips for reading aloud. This is one of my favorite quotes from Trelease.
Please don’t tell a child they can’t read a book that they are yearning to read. You will squash the desire to read for pleasure.
Where have you traveled in a book?
This quote is similar to the one above. It comes from another book that I marked all over with sticky notes. It was The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller. Every child needs a teacher like Miller!
Tomie dePaola is a classic author who has encouraged generations of readers. Some of our favorites includeThe Art Lesson, Strega Nona and Pancakes for Breakfast(one of my childhood favorites).
Always make sure you have more bookshelves than you do televisions!
And, here is one more about limiting tv time and increasing reading time.
Here is a beautiful quote. I’m inspired to paint my words right now.
What are your favorite books from your childhood? For me they were the Little House books, Bread and Jam for Frances and The Giant Jam Sandwich.
I’ll end with a quote by me!
There you have SOME of my favorite quotes about reading and writing. I hope you are inspired to read, write and grow with children through great books.
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Forever Joyful says
Trelease’s quote applies to so much of our children’s lives and our own lives as well. For example, the more children practice their musical instrument, the more they like it because they enjoy being able to do it well! The list of examples goes on and on. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup.
Beth @ Pages and Margins says
What great quotes! I especially love the one from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Mary Collins says
Hello from Literacy Musing Mondays. You have collected some awesome quotes. Love this! From one reader to another, well done.
Barbara H. says
These are all great!
Mihaela says
Love them all! Great quotes about why we should read to our children from day one!
Mary Hill says
Hi, I hope you will consider sharing with us each week on Literacy Musing Mondays. These posts are excellent for our linkup. Here is this week’s link:
Rebekah Gienapp says
So much wisdom in The Read Aloud Handbook! I refer to it all the time. And I love the idea of writing being the painting of the voice.
Emma says
That Maya Angelou quote is my favorite! Love these!
Jodie Rodriguez says
Thanks so much Emma!