Do you want your child to be a good conversationalist? Do you sometimes wonder what your child thinks about a certain topic? Do you want to build family communication?
Well, I have 365 days worth of conversation starters for your family! Each month I share a list of table topics that will help to get the conversation rolling at your dinner table.
If you are a teacher, these will make great lunch room table topic starters.
Here is all you need to do.
- Print the topics. (see below)
- Cut them into strips.
- Place them in a decorative container.
- Put the container on your table.
- Each night, select one topic to discuss over dinner.
- Viola, the table conversation has now started!
Each month there will be a theme to the table topics. Some are fun. Some are serious. All are meant to get your creative juices flowing and develop language skills. Here is a look at the year.
January- What if… July- What would you do if…
February- All about the USA August- Guess what I am
March- Name as many things as you can that… September- If you could be…
April- Jokes and Riddles October- Fun facts about animals
May- Storytelling November- Gratitude
June- All about food December- Memories
Are you ready to get started? Here are 31 starters for January. Want to plan ahead? Here is the February list of table topics too. Happy talking!
January Table Topics (click here for printable January Table Topics)
What if everybody at this table committed to do a kind act this week?
What if you went outside and everything had turned blue?
What if there were no cars?
What if you found the tree outside was growing money instead of leaves?
What if you became President of the United States?
What if a snowstorm happened tonight?
What if you stayed the same age you were now for the rest of your life?
What if Martin Luther King, Jr. were still alive today?
What if it started to rain orange juice and toast?
What if every day was a snow day?
What if all the animals escaped from the zoo?
What if we ran out of toilet paper?
What if it never got dark outside?
What if basketballs didn’t bounce?
What if there were no televisions?
What if you lost the sense of smell for a week?
What if all the letter b’s turned into p’s?
What if you were a superhero?
What if bikes could fly?
What if you could take a trip anywhere in the world?
What if babies could talk when they are born?
What if your clothes grew as you grew?
What if you could be in the Olympics?
What if you planted a seed outside your window at night and it grew all the way to the sky the next day?
What if porcupines had feathers instead of spiny needles?
What if you were seven feet tall?
What if you could see through walls?
What if you found a hidden door in this room?
What if we had tails?
What if you could have any wish you wanted?
What if books came alive?
P.S. For more great book recommendations and literacy ideas, we send out a weekly newsletter. You can see a sample here. If you like what you see, sign up to receive it for FREE each week.
Karyn says
I am featuring these on Share It Saturday this week! Thanks for linking up!
Jodie says
Wow, thank you so much!
Cindy says
What a fabulous idea! I’m so looking forward to the silly conversations I know many of these questions will inspire! Thank you for sharing them!
Jodie says
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope you have lots of bonding time with your kids.
Karyn says
I LOVE this! I am definitely going to print these out to use with my kids. How fun! Thanks for linking up to Share It Saturday!
Jodie says
So glad you are planning on using these. Let me know how it is going!
Kendall says
This is seriously an AWESOME idea. Thanks for sharing this! I featured this on my blog for the weekly kid’s c0-op. You can check it out here:
Jodie says
Thank you so much!
Tricia says
Congratulations on such a successful year. Best wishes for 2013. You have a blog full of important information for parents with young children. It is also a great resource for teachers in early childhood education. I look forward to following your blog this coming year.