Wow, we are starting our sixth book for Family Dinner Book Club! I can’t believe that it’s time to announce the book for June already! We visited the chocolate factory for the May Family Dinner Book Club when we featured Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This month we switch back to a picture book that takes us to the kitchen.
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The Family Dinner Book Club selection for June is…
Cook-a-Doodle-Doo by Janet Stevens
If you love the story of The Little Red Hen, then you are sure to enjoy this version too. Rooster pulls out his Great Granny’s cookbook and finds a yummy recipe for strawberry shortcake. He then finds some friends- Turtle, Iguana and Potbellied Pig to help him create the dessert. Well, lots of mistakes and learning along the way finally result in a yummy strawberry delight.
The sidebars of the book include lots of useful cooking information for added discussion and learning.
Participating in Family Dinner Book Club is easy and fun!
How Family Dinner Book Club Works
1. So, get your copy of Cook-a-Doodle-Doo and start reading. You can borrow it from the library or from a friend, find it on your bookshelf or purchase a copy.
2. Then, on June 15th, check back here for all your Family Dinner Book Club preparation needs. Links will be provided for your dinner conversation table topics from Growing Book by Book, arts and crafts table decorations from Enchanted Homeschooling Mom and your book related menu from Daisy at Home.
3. Decide which night towards the end of June works best for your family to have Family Dinner Book Club. Set the table, prepare the food and settle in for a nice cozy dinner to discuss the book.
4. Don’t forget to snap a picture of your Family Dinner Book Club and share it with us on our Family Dinner Book Club Facebook page!
5. Then, head back here on July 1st, to see our new title for the month of June and participate all over again!
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Anna says
We’ll definitely get a copy.
Tracy says
Oh I love Janet Stevens, but I haven’t read this book. We are definitely going to be following along with this one!