Welcome back to our hugely popular series- Table Topics. Each month conversation starters are shared with you to use at the table to get your kids talking. The June table topics are all centered around FOOD!
All you need to do is print the June Table Topics (Food) (strips) June Table Topics (card format). Cut them apart. Place them in a decorative container and set it on your dinner table. Each day, select one topic to read aloud and discuss. Let’s get talking!
Name as many foods or dishes as you can think of that start with S. |
The first fruit eaten on the moon was a peach. |
One ear of corn contains about 800 kernels of corn. |
Unlike most fruits, pears ripen best off the tree. |
Orange doesn’t rhyme with any other word. |
It takes 12 honeybees to produce one tablespoon of honey. |
The first carrots were white, purple and yellow. |
Hawaii is the leading producer of bananas. |
Did you know that asparagus makes your pee smell? |
Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population. |
Name as many vegetables as you can think of. |
Thomas Jefferson had 19 varieties of lettuce growing in his garden. |
The most popular cookie in America is the chocolate chip cookie. |
Cherries are a member of the rose family. |
Native Americans used berries as fabric dyes. |
It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. |
Potatoes are only 20% solids and 80% water. |
It takes 24-26 hours for a hen to produce an egg. |
The longest cucumber on record was 36 inches. That’s as long as a yardstick. |
Fast food restaurants decorate with red, yellow and orange because they are the colors that stimulate hunger. |
Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. |
The state of California supplies almost all the broccoli in the entire United States. |
Bananas are a great source of potassium. Potassium helps build muscle power and keep your body fluids in balance. |
In America, anchovies always rank last as a preferred pizza topping. |
Strawberries are the only fruit that have seeds on the outside. |
Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable? (fruit) |
Apples are 25% air which is why they float in water. |
Almost 80% of the commercials aired on Saturday mornings are for junk food! |
Seaweed is used to thicken ice cream. |
A horn worm can eat an entire tomato plant in one day all by itself. |
Each month there will be a theme to the table topics. Some are fun. Some are serious. All are meant to get your creative juices flowing and develop language skills. Here is a look at the year.
January- What if… July- What would you do if…
February- All about the USA August- Guess what I am
March- Name as many things as you can that… September- If you could be…
April- Jokes and Riddles October- Fun facts about animals
May- Storytelling November- Gratitude
June- All about food December- Memories
Check back at the end of June to get the July topics. Better yet, subscribe to our RSS Feed so that you don’t miss any of this year’s topics! You can also like us on Facebook or follow us on Pinterest.
Happy table talking!
PragmaticMom says
Yay, did I really win? I’m so excited! Thank you!
Kirstylee says
Thanks for this list. Usually we have no shortage of talk at the dinner table, but sometimes we get past “how was your day” and don’t have much else to talk about. This will help a lot for those nights.
JodieRodriguez says
I’m happy to provide you even more things to talk about!
Tricia says
Congrats to Mia on winning the 5 ABC books. Great conversation starters. Kids will love it.