Use a classic story to build literacy skills. These Little Red Riding Hood activities build phonological awareness and more.
Little Red Riding Hood and Book Activities
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Little Red Riding Hood Book
Little Red Riding Hood is trying on her way to visit her grandmother when she meets a wolf in the woods. The cunning wolf dashes ahead of the girl and makes himself a grandmother imposter to trick the girl. But, a passing woodsman hears the ruckus in the house and saves the day.
Then, enjoy some variation of Little Red Riding Hood. They are fun to compare and contrast.
See the list of books.—>Little Red Riding Hood Variations
Little Red Riding Hood Activities
Build phonological awareness with these two free printable (see below) activities.
Activity 1: Basket Push
Skill: Segmenting
Place three small tokens under the basket. Call out a three phoneme word. Have students break the word/segment into phonemes and push a token into the basket for each phoneme.
Examples of three phoneme words:
Cat, Chip, Book,
Pig, Tack, Knot,
Bun, Fish, Thin
Activity 2: Pick a Flower for Grandma
Skill: Syllable Counting
Pick a flower. Name the image. Clap the syllables/word parts. Place the flower in the correct basket.
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More Little Red Riding Hood Book Activities
Teaching with Children’s Books shares a set of Little Red Riding Hood Alphabet cards.—>See Them Here
Moms & Crafters has a set of printable Little Red Riding Hood puppets to print and color. They would be great for story retellings.—>See the Puppets
3 Dinosaurs also has a variety of literacy activities in their printable pack.—>See the Pack
Enjoy using these Little Red Riding Hood book activities with your students.