Have you ever gotten butterflies before a performance or a new experience? I sure have! And, now there is a picture book that can help us process that feeling. Enjoy reading and using these Piper Chen Sings book activities.
This book just happens to be the 2024 Jumpstart’s Read for the Record Day pick. This year’s Read for the Record Day is October 24th.
Piper Chen Sings Book
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Piper Chen Sings by Phillipa Soo, Maris Pasquale Doran, and Qin Leng is the story of a young girl who loves to sing. Music fills her day and brings her joy. One day, her music teacher asks if she would like to perform a solo in the Spring Sing at school and she immediately accepts the invitation. But, when she begins to practice she discovers she is overcome with doubt, worry starts to seep in, and she gets a case of butterflies.
Piper’s loving grandparents help her process those feelings by sharing examples of times when they too had the same type of experiences. Piper learns to greet them and gets ready for something amazing to happen.
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Piper Chens Sings Book Activities
Enjoy using these activities to build early literacy skills.
Pass the Mic
Introduce a little prop into the mix and amp up the number of kiddos who want to respond to your questions and stay engaged in the lesson.
Use a mic to have kids respond to questions about the story.
1. Piper Chen is passionate about singing. Is there something you are passionate about? What is it?
2. Why did Piper Chen have trouble singing after she decided to accept the solo assignment? Have you ever felt that same experience?
3. Who helped Piper Chen with her feelings? Has anyone ever helped you with your feelings? Who?
4. What does it mean to “have butterflies?”
Of course, letting the kids sing with the microphone is another great opportunity for kids to work on language acquisition too.
Race to the Mic
This game builds awareness of beginning sounds.
Materials: this printable (see download below),scissors, 4 playing pieces, laminator(optional)
Set-Up: Print the game board and pieces. Cut the picture pieces along the dotted lines. Laminate everything for durability if desired. Place a playing piece on each player for the number of students playing. Turn the picture cards face down in a pile.
Play: The person whose birthday is closest to January starts. Player one selects a picture card, names the picture, and identifies the beginning sound. If the remaining players agree, then player one moves that number of spots. For example, if the picture card is hook and the student says /h/, then the student moves one space clockwise around the board.
Play continues to player two. Land on a multiple music notes and the player gets to move ahead 2 spaces. Land on the orange note and the player moves back 2 spaces.
Reshuffle the cards if more are needed. Make it all the way around the board to your starting space and then head up to the mic. First person to the mic wins.
Printable Activity for Piper Chen Sings
Grab the printable activity above. It’s a thank you gift when you become a free member of the Growing Book by Book Community.