Get ready for a colorful story time with Steve Antony’s Rainbowsaurus. Is your singing voice in tune? This is one we can sing along to. And, I even created some Rainbowsaurus book activities to go along with the story.
Rainbowsaurus Book
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I’m all in on a book that has whole group read-aloud appeal.
rhythm and rhyme….check
perfect length for listening audience…check
bright bold pictures….check
extension learning ideas…check
Rainbowsaurus by Steve Antony is a great pick for your toddlers or young preschoolers. Mostly sung to the tune “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” (you can listen to Antony sing the beginning HERE)
In the book, a family is following a rainbow in search of the rainbowsaurus. Along the way comes many colorful animals from a red cow to a pink donkey. Will the reach the rainbowsaurus at the end of the rainbow?
Rainbowsaurus Book Activities
Print the arrow and animal sheets. See free download below. Cut apart animal cards. Laminate for durability if desired.
Retell the story using the arrows and animals. Students can ”follow” trace the arrows and place the correct animal at the end of each arrow.
Red= cow
Orange= snake
Yellow= frog
Green= pig
Indigo= bear
Violet = turkey
Black = duck
Brown = bee
Blue = sheep
Pink= donkey
Rainbow= dinosaur
2. Rainbowsaurus would pair nicely with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. I’ve got lots of activities to do with that book too.—> Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Book Activities
Printable Rainbowsaurus Book Activity
Grab the printable activity above. It’s a thank you gift for becoming a free Growing Book by Book newsletter subscriber.
Happy reading and learning!
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