September Table Topics are ready to ignite conversation at the dinner table! Each month conversation starters are shared with you to use at the table to get your kids talking. This month’s table topics are “If you could be…” wonderings.
Back to school season is a great time to start the table topic project if you haven’t done so already. The kids are going back to school and new routines are being put into place. Why not spark dinner conversation each night this fall!
These topics would also make great lunch box cards to send to school with your child. Think of the conversations they could have with their friends.
All you need to do is print the September Table Topics. Cut them apart. Place them in a decorative container and set it on your dinner table. Or, if you are sending in a lunchbox, keep them in a container close to your packing station. Each day, select one topic to pop inside the lunchbox to spark some lively conversation in the lunchroom. Now, let’s get talking!
*If you could be an animal at the zoo, which animal would you choose? Why?
*If you could make three wishes for tomorrow, what would they be?
*If you could pick where your family will go on their next vacation, where would you pick?
*If you could pick any age to be, what age would you pick? Why?
*If you could be a dog or a cat, which would you pick? Why?
*If you could have any job in the world, what job would you pick?
*If you could stay up all night, what would you do?
*If you could make dinner tomorrow night, what would you make?
*If you could help someone in need, who would it be?
*If you could talk to the President of the United States of America, what would you say?
*If you could buy any book for yourself, which book would you choose?
*If you could travel to outer space, would you go? Why?
*If you could be any age you wanted, what age would you pick and why?
*If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for?
*If you could choose to do something fun tomorrow, what would you choose to do?
*If you could make the world a more peaceful place, how would you start?
*If you could have lunch with 3 characters from children’s books, who would you pick?
*If you could have a super power, which power would you like to have?
*If you could be any color, what color would you be? Why?
*If you could be an author or illustrator, which would you choose and why?
*If you could live in Antarctica, would you?
*If you could only buy three things at the grocery store, what items would you choose?
*If you could be a principal, what rules would you change at school?
*If you could be a river or an ocean, which would you rather be? Why?
*If you could interview your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?
*If you could play a musical instrument, what instrument would you select?
*If you could be invisible for a day, would you do it?
*If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be?
*If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet and why?
*If you could be a professional at any sport, what would it be?
Each month there will be a theme to the table topics. Some are fun. Some are serious. All are meant to get your creative juices flowing and develop language skills. Here is a look at the year.
January- What if… July- What would you do if…
February- All about the USA August- Guess what I am
March- Name as many things as you can that… September- If you could be…
April- Jokes and Riddles October- Fun facts about animals
May- Storytelling November- Gratitude
June- All about food December- Memories
Check back at the end of September to get the October topics. Better yet, subscribe to our RSS Feed so that you don’t miss any of this year’s topics! You can also like us on Facebook or follow us on Pinterest.
Happy table talking!
*Please see the linky directory to see where this post has been linked.
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Anna@The Measured Mom says
I love this kind of thing — great for car trips too! Thanks so much for sharing at the After School linky!
Natalie says
I love these “what if” prompts! Thanks for sharing with Afterschool!
Kali @ For the Love of Spanish says
Oh these are fun! Thanks for sharing and cutting out all the work of coming up with good conversation starters! I have done this before with the hubby on a date night, but these will be so fun to do as a family. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Norah says
What a great resource for parents.