Life looks a lot brighter when we take the time to be grateful for what we have. This list of books for kids about being thankful showcases diverse characters living with gratitude and appreciation. View Post
Developing Empathy & Looking at Different Perspectives Books for Kids
Teaching children to stand in someone else's shoes or to see things from a different point of view are important skills to develop. Try reading these developing empathy and looking at different View Post
Children’s Books About Kindness
The power of kindness can change the world. This list of books for kids will model characters who choose kindness. Let's dive right into this list of children's books character strength of View Post
125 Children’s Books That Teach Positive Character Traits
Character-building activities are powerful tools in helping our kids learn and grow. From learning to live with love, kindness, and gratitude, there are some amazing children's books about character View Post
Children’s Books About Respect and Inclusion
Everyone and everything deserves to be treated with respect. This list of books for kids will model characters living respectfully and including others. Let's dive right into this list of children's View Post
15 Children’s Books About Courage and Bravery
Having courage and being brave helps us overcome and achieve great things. This list of books for kids will model characters showing bravery and courage in many different situations. Let's dive View Post
Children’s Books About Creativity
Creativity makes the world a more interesting and innovating place to live. These children's books will inspire your kids to tap into their creativity and use it to make the world a better View Post