Today is part 3 of 6 in our summer long superhero summer reading adventure series! Weekly, I share activities based on a super read-aloud title. This is the perfect project if you are looking for View Post

Today is part 3 of 6 in our summer long superhero summer reading adventure series! Weekly, I share activities based on a super read-aloud title. This is the perfect project if you are looking for View Post
We have been enjoying a wonderful series of phonics readers in our house as my son begins his learning to read adventure. And, as we do with most learning in our house, we surround it with hands-on View Post
My 4-year-old is on the cusp of learning to decode words. To help us on our new journey we have found a wonderful series of phonics readers. And, as we do with most learning in our house, we View Post
Are you in need of some fresh ideas for the Easter baskets this year? Stuff the baskets with lots of fun items that will promote literacy skills! These Easter holiday books and activities will View Post
Finding books for toddlers can be challenging at certain stages of toddlerlom. There is that transitional stage when toddlers still need board books with durable pages that can't be ripped and also View Post
We all know that I'm all about books for kids! So, when it came time to start thinking about decorating Easter eggs, I thought why not let children's books be our inspiration. Here is a look at the View Post