The Train of States
The Train of States by Peter Sis is an intricately illustrated book of each state represented on a train car. On each page you will learn about the state symbols, date of statehood and many interesting facts.
For some more picture books about the USA, visit No Time For Flashcards’ post, “11 Books About the USA“. Tomorrow, you can also check out a great book about the USA from The Corner on Character.
Join us tomorrow for our “Booking Across the USA” project and a GIVEAWAY. You are in for a real treat!
Lynda @ Rhody Reader says
Oh, this is going to be fun! I’m going to start with Train of States–my little guy is only 3.5, but if it’s a train book, he’s in!
JodieRodriguez says
Trains are always a hit!
Mrs. D says
What a brilliant idea! I wonder if there’d be interest in doing the same for Canada? We’d need fewer bloggers. I don’t have a big enough following to organize this, but I sure with I did!
JodieRodriguez says
I’d be happy to give support and advice. Sounds like a great idea to me!
Tulip says
Great suggestions! I love songs that teach the names of the states too. Excited for tomorrow!
Erica @What Do We Do All Day? says
I love the Train of States! I thought no else but us had ever read it!
JodieRodriguez says
I love the illustrations!
Jill says
I am looking forward to this series tomorrow. Thank you for putting it together!