This time of year is always a bit hectic…parties, costumes, decorating… I want to do fun learning activities with my beginning readers, but I need the ideas to be easy to make. So, I’ve created 5 super easy to prepare Halloween sight word activities. Best of all, you can easily adapt them to work on alphabet recognition, spelling words, or vocabulary words.
5 Halloween Sight Word Activities
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#1 Pumpkin Guts
Materials: [easyazon_link identifier=”B000KENYCC” locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]pumpkin bucket[/easyazon_link], index cards, scissors, marker
Prepare: Cut each index card in half. Write a sight word on each card. On two cards write “guts”. Place all cards in the pumpkin bucket.
Play: Set a timer for 3 minutes. Players take turns pulling out a card to read. If the sight word is read correctly, the player gets to keep the card. If the “guts” card is pulled, then all the player’s cards are returned to the pumpkin bucket. When the timer goes off, the player with the most cards wins.
#2 I Spy a Ghost
Materials: white paper, scissors, marker, masking tape, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00270DWOW” locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]flashlight[/easyazon_link]
Prepare: Cut out 5-6 ghosts from paper. Write a sight word on each ghost. Hang the ghosts with tape in a dark room.
Play: The child shines a flashlight to find each ghost. As each ghost is discovered, the child should read the sight word. Or, the adult could call out a word and the child has to find the correct ghost that matches.
#3 Candy Corn Find
Materials: 3 [easyazon_link identifier=”B005Y0FZBA” locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]sports cones[/easyazon_link], [easyazon_link identifier=”B000ZN2GRW” locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]plastic balls[/easyazon_link], masking tape, marker
Prepare: Write each sight word on a piece of masking tape. Adhere a tape word to each ball. Place each ball under a cone.
Play: Call out a word and have the child lift a cone to find the correct word. Mix the cones and play over and over.
#4 Witch Finger Pointing
Materials: [easyazon_link identifier=”B00362VUC6″ locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]witch fingers[/easyazon_link], index cards, scissors, marker, masking tape
Prepare: Cut each index card in half. Write a word on each card. Tape the words on the wall around the room. Have the child place a witch or alien finger on her pointer finger.
Play: The child goes around the room pointing to each word and reading the word on the card.Or, the adult could call out a word and the child has to find the correct word and point to it.
#5 Pumpkin Cover All
Materials: piece of paper, marker, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00362QTA4″ locale=”US” tag=”groboobyboo-20″]Halloween erasers[/easyazon_link]
Prepare: Fold the paper into eighths. Write a sight word in each box. Give the player 8 mini erasers. You could also use candy or orange crackers.
Play: Call out a word. The child uses a playing piece to cover the word called. Continue until the board has been covered.
So, there you have 5 super easy, super simple, and low prep Halloween activities to practice learning sight words. Now, back to planning the party, the costumes, and the decorations.
For more Halloween literacy activities, check out these posts.
Book Inspired Pumpkin Decorating
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Belinda says
These are great ideas that i will use with my pre-k students who are ready to begin reading.