The birds are chirping, the buds are emerging on the Magnolia trees, and rainbows fill the sky. Spring is in the air and the kids can’t wait to get outside. Use their seasonal enthusiasm during circle time. Try these spring preschool songs and activities for circle time with the kids.
Spring Circle Time Ideas
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Try these songs, activities, and read-alouds for your spring circle times with your preschoolers.
Spring Circle Time Songs
Sprinkle Sprinkle
This is a cute song that works on rhyming words. It’s interactive too. You can download the printable song to use at your next circle time by clicking on the purple button below. It’s just one of the many songs you will find in our 35 Circle Time Song and Chants to Build Literacy Skills resource.
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More Spring Songs
Little Raindrops Falling Down by Jbrary
Spring is Here by The Learning Station
Spring Circle Time Activities
Spring Yoga
Try some spring yoga during your circle time from Kids Yoga Stories. Yoga is a wonderful calming way to start the day.—>GET THE YOGA PRINTABLE
Hatching Eggs
This hatching eggs game can easily be adapted for circle time. Save all the plastic eggs after Easter to play this beginning sounds game.—>SEE THE GAME
And, if you need more plastic egg activities, try these.—>14 Plastic Egg Literacy Ideas
Spring Books Great for Circle Time
All books are not equal when it comes to a good circle time read. You want short books, books that engage kids, and illustrations that a large group can see. Here are a few of my favorite picks for spring circle time read-alouds.
Red Rubber Book Day by Mary Lyn Ray celebrates all the things you can do on a rainy day.
Egg by Kevin Henkes seems like a simple book but it is full of things to notice. Three eggs hatch and one doesn’t. What will the birds discover about the green egg.
Mole really wants Bear to wake up in Spring is Here by Will Hillenbrand.
Read the Rainbow Reading Challenge
Spring into the new season with some literacy-rich activities with these spring preschool songs, games, and books.
You will also want to add these great songs that build literacy skill all school year.
Get the 35 Circle Time Song and Chants to Build Literacy Skills.
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