Virtual Book Club for Kids is back! Our featured author this month is the Leo Lionni. We picked Little Blue and Little Yellow to read and then created a sensory writing activity.
If you are new to Virtual Book Club for Kids here is a little background. The Educators’ Spin On It, Toddler Approved and Rainy Day Mum have put together a wonderful line-up of great authors to explore. On the second Thursday of each month, talented bloggers will be sharing one of the three featured books by the highlighted author that month. Each blogger shares an activity or craft to compliment one of the three books. You are invited to try out as many of the ideas that you feel would be a good fit for your kids.
Now, onto the Leo Lionni book and activity we chose this month.
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Little Blue and Little Yellow Writing Activity and Book
The Book: Little Blue and Little Yellow
Little Blue and Little Yellow are great friends. After a friendly hug they turn green! This alarms their parents. But soon, the families discover what caused the new color change and embrace it.
This book is simple but yet complex. My kids have picked this book numerous times for a read-aloud.
The Writing Activity: Sensory Writing
We often use sensory experiences to incorporate writing practice. We often using shaving cream as a writing slate. This time we added a little color mixing fun into the project.
Materials Needed: round pizza pan, plain white shaving cream, and food coloring
1. Mix a batch of yellow and a batch of blue shaving cream. Just add a few drops of food coloring to white shaving cream and stir.
2. Spread the yellow shaving cream onto the pizza pie pan. We like to use a round pan to allow a template for writing circles in the shaving cream.
3. Carefully spread the blue shaving cream on top of the yellow.
You are now ready to play and learn.
We started by talking about what happens when we mix two colors. The kids had fun mixing the two colors to make green.
Then, we practiced writing letters. Having a model handy for correct letter formation is helpful. My younger son worked on making circles by tracing around the edge of the pan.
The kids loved the feeling of the shaving cream and my oldest son didn’t even realize all the writing practice he was getting.
Now, it’s time to explore some other great activities and crafts to compliment Leo Lionni’s books.
Chameleon Color Change Activity from Still Playing School
Sticky Fish Craft for Toddlers from Toddler Approved
Swimmy DIY Stamps from Mama Miss
Swimmy Inspired Fishy Math Practice from Inspiration Laboratories
Swimmy Inspired Watercolor Fish from 3 Dinosaurs
Little Blue and Little Yellow Twisty Cups Color Mixing Activity from Laly Mom
No Mess Colour Theory Experiment from Rainy Day Mum
Kristina says
How cool! What a neat way to use different senses and get kids writing!
Trisha @ Inspiration Laboratories says
Writing and exploring colors – I love this!
Laura @Lalymom says
That is so fun! We have never done shaving cream writing, what a neat idea and I love adding in the color mixing. How cool!