Looking for sound work practice with a fallish apple theme? This apple mapping sound mat can help children mapping sounds and identify letters to represent those sounds. They are perfect for View Post

Looking for sound work practice with a fallish apple theme? This apple mapping sound mat can help children mapping sounds and identify letters to represent those sounds. They are perfect for View Post
Crisp cool mornings followed by warm afternoons mean that fall is on the way. Bring on the bushel of apples for lots of autumn learning. And, pull out the beloved Ten Red Apples and practice View Post
A crisp breeze blows through the air, the leaves flutter to the ground, and the juicy crunchy apples bend down ready to be picked. It's apple season time! Gather the kids for an apple tree View Post
Alphabet learning has been taking place in our house for some time. I have one little one who is working on letter identification and another one who is working on spelling his name and letter View Post